EA senior professionals have designed and project managed a wide range of remediation technologies which has allowed them to see the value in selecting the right remedial/mitigation evaluation strategy up front. The EA team has conducted evaluations and completed designs involving soil, soil vapor, indoor air, surface water, and groundwater at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), state Superfund, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and state/local-lead projects throughout the U.S. The projects have addressed many contaminants including but not limited to volatile organic compounds, metals, inorganic constituents, perchlorate, 1,4-dioxane, pesticides, hexavalent chromium, and petroleum/fuel related compounds.
Numerical Modeling
EA’s engineers and scientists are experienced in a number of complex model types to determine potential remediation strategies. EA staff have prepared and managed groundwater flow, vadose zone, and surface water flow contaminant transport models for numerous projects in various phases at CERCLA, RCRA and state-lead sites. These models are used to establish cleanup goals, assess different remedial alternatives, support remedial design, and conduct performance evaluations and optimization of remedial actions. The numeric models include one-, two- and three-dimensional flow/solute models to evaluate vadose zone pore flushing, vadose zone contaminant transport, natural attenuation, groundwater capture, and contaminant transport.
Feasible Studies
EA has extensive experience in the remediation of commercial, private and industrial sites that translates into first-hand experience in proven and more innovative technologies. This knowledge allows EA to streamline the evaluation process saving our customers time and money and directing them to the best available technologies for their specific remediation goals. Collaboration with our customers and stakeholders is one of the keys to EA’s success. Simultaneously, we focus on meeting the compliance requirements of federal, state, and local agencies. EA professionals have prepared feasibility studies ranging from simple focused evaluations to highly complex evaluations/corrective measure studies for CERCLA and RCRA projects.
Remedial Design
EA’s engineers have over 100 years of combined experience in the design of remediation systems. We are experts in all aspects of remediation including institutional controls, engineering controls, monitored natural attenuation, excavation and treatment or disposal, soil vapor extraction, dual/multi-phase extraction, in-situ biological reduction, in-situ chemical reduction, and in-situ chemical oxidation. In addition, EA has designed numerous systems for groundwater extraction and treatment including the design of extraction wells, conveyance systems, injection wells, and complex treatment processes. Treatment equipment expertise includes granular activated carbon, advanced oxidation systems, thermal oxidizers for off-gas treatment, reverse osmosis, air stripping, and associated ancillary equipment. EA staff have prepared numerous documents and engineering drawings to support the remedial design process, including civil, mechanical, process, and electrical drawings, construction bid documents, necessary operational/construction permits, access agreements/licenses, operation/maintenance plans, basis of design/design criteria, pre-design investigation work plans/reports, compliance monitoring plans, scope of work/specifications, and cost estimates.
Treated Water End Use Evaluations
EA staff have evaluated the viability of the non-potable reuse, reinjection, and/or infiltration of treated groundwater to preserve and augment the local water resources. EA’s work has included determination of pipeline/storage needs, permitting requirements, and assessment of potential water rights and replenishment fees. Additionally, EA has evaluated the disposal of treated sewage effluent for industrial and municipal clients in leach fields and infiltration basins. EA also has extensive experience with design, installation, redevelopment, and troubleshooting injection wells.
Vapor Mitigation
EA has conducted numerous vapor intrusion potential studies for industrial, commercial, and residential properties. This work has consisted of indoor air assessments through the preparation of assessment work plans incorporating use of soil vapor, sub-slab, and indoor air sampling programs. EA has also prepared designs for vapor barriers to mitigate volatile organic compounds, methane, etc.
Remedial/Mitigation Evaluations and Design Services:
Engineering & Design
Geologic analyses, geologic hazards
Hydrogeology, geochemistry
Feasibility analyses, costing
Environmental Monitoring & Compliance
Permitting, compliance
Vapor assessment and mitigation
SPCC and SWPPP plans
Remedial investigations and site characterization
Groundwater remediation
Feasibility studies
Stormwater management
Health & safety
Construction Material Testing
Field engineering
Soil, concrete, asphalt testing
Quality assurance/quality control
Geotechnical laboratory testing
We have provided regulatory and legal support services for over 300 projects in the past 10 years.